When we're dealing with sleep issues with our children, it's easy to become overwhelmed trying to figure out a place to start. I remember having to tackle so many problems such as breastfeeding, trying to synchronise my twins feeding and sleeping times and how to stop them from waking up so often.
Often, we just give up because we're so tired and it's easier to go back to what we know works, even it's continuing to prolong the problem.
My sleep tip for you today is to not try to tackle everything at once. Pick one very small item and begin to work on that before trying to change anything else.
For example:
Let's say your 6 month old baby is waking up for feeding a few times a night, taking short naps and needs to be rocked in the hammock/yaolan for 40 minutes before every sleep period to get to sleep.
Instead of trying to change everything at once, focus on just one area so that you aren't overwhelmed.
You might decide that you will only address the night time feedings and instead of feeding 3 times a night, you might want to only feed twice a night.
Or, it may be more important to you that your baby takes longer naps so you work on those (or even just the morning one) first.
By breaking down the pieces into small manageable tasks, we can help to eliminate some of the confusion and frustration that can accompany changing sleep habits.
What's one small goal you want to work on this week? Comment below!
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We offer plenty of sleep packages at sgsupernanny.com/private-consultations for those who need more in depth help with their children sleeping needs.